Haryana JBT Teacher Vacancy 2024 : Haryana Staff Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) has released the HSSC JBT Teacher Recruitment notification on 09 August 2024 in the Department of Elementary Education. Interested candidates can apply for HSSC JBT Teacher Vacancy 2024 from 12 August 2024 through the offciall website of haryana staff selection commission i.e., https://hsssc.gov.in. Check out the complete information regarding Haryana JBT recruitment 2024 notification, online application, exam date, educational qualification, experience, salary, and other eligibility conditions.

HSSC JBT Teacher Recruitment 2024 Overview
Department | Department of Elementary Education |
Recruiting Body | Haryana Staff Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) |
Name of Post | Junior Basic Teacher (JBT) |
Total Posts | 1456 |
Salary | Rs.9300/- to Rs. 34800/- |
Apply Mode | Online |
Selection Process | Written Exam |
Official Website | https://hssc.gov.in |
Read More : India Post GDS Result 2024 Check Circle-Wise Merit List PDF, Cut Off
HSSC JBT Teacher Recruitment : Important Dates
Event | Dates |
Date of publication | 09.08.2024 |
Opening date for submission of online applications | 12.08.2024 |
Closing date for submission of online application | 21.08.2024 (11.59 P.M) |
Closing date for deposit of fee | 23.08.2024 (11.59 P.M) |
HSSC JBT Teacher Recruitment : Application Fees
Category | Fee |
General (Male/Female) | 150 |
Female (Haryana resident) | 75 |
SC/BC/EWS Candidates of Haryana State (Male) | 35 |
SC/BC/EWS Candidates of Haryana State (Female) | 18 |
PwD (Person with Disability) /Ex-Serviceman of Haryana | No Fee |
HSSC JBT Teacher Recruitment : Vacancy Details
Name of Post | Vacancy |
Junior Basic Teacher | 1456 |
Category | Vacancy |
General | 607 |
SC | 300 |
BCB | 170 |
EWS | 71 |
ESM (General) | 50 |
ESM (SC) | 6 |
ESM (BCA) | 5 |
ESM (BCB) | 5 |
HSSC JBT Teacher Recruitment : Qualifications
1. Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 2 year Diploma in Elementary Education; OR
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 45% marks and 2 year Diploma in Elementary Education in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure), Regulations 2002; OR
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4- year Bachelor of Elementary Education (B. El. Ed.); OR
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 2 year Diploma in Education (Special Education); OR B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known);
2. Certificate of having qualified Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test (HTET)/School Teachers Eligibility Test (STET);
3. Matric with Hindi/Sanskrit or 10+2/B.A./M.A. with Hindi as one of the subject.
HSSC JBT Teacher Recruitment : Age Limit
Age: 18-42 years.
HSSC JBT Teacher Recruitment : Pay Scale
Rs.9300-34800 with a grade pay of Rs. 4200/-
HSSC JBT Teacher Recruitment : Selection Process
- Written Examination : 95 Marks
Written Examination
All questions are compulsory. Question paper shall be Bilingual (English & Hindi). An Offline (OMR base) written examination will be held for recruitment to the PRT posts. There shall be no negative marking for wrong answer. The total no. of questions will be 100 with weightage of 0.95 marks for each question. A candidate has to fill one option compulsorily out of five options given. In case a candidate doesn’t mark any of the five options for a question then 0.95 marks for each un-attempted question shall be deducted. Extra Five minutes shall be given to mark fifth option, if candidate does not know the answer. Total time allowed for the paper will be (100+5) =105 minutes including five minutes.
How to apply for HSSC JBT Teacher Recruitment 2024
Step 1 : Please read the instructions and procedures carefully before you start filling the online application form and check all the particulars filled up in application form after getting the printout to ensure the correctness of information and upload all documents before finally submitting the application.
Step 2: Apply online well in advance without waiting for last date of submission of online application form. Before submission of the online application, candidates must check that they have filled correct details in each field of the form. A candidate may edit his/her application form till the last date of submission of application form i.e closing date. After closing date of registration, no change/correction/modification will be allowed under any circumstances. Requests received in this regard in any form like Post, Fax, Email, by hand etc. shall not been entertained and shall be deemed to be rejected.
Step 3 : The candidate should fill all details while filling the Online Application Form. After applying online, Registration No. and Password will be generated. Take print out of the registration no. and password screen for future reference of your application status and for Reprinting of your online filled application form and e-Challan form. Keep record of the same. Candidate may change his/her password after registration. The protection of password is the sole responsibility of the candidate and no request shall be entertained after closing date if someone tempers with application details by using id and password of the candidate.
Step 4: After successful submission of application, candidates are advised to take final print out of application form and e-Challan/fee pay receipt for record alongwith uploaded documents.
Step 6 : The hard copy of application form along with all uploaded documents must be brought at the time when called upon to do so by Haryana Staff Selection Commission. Documents which have not been uploaded, shall not be entertained. However HSSC may ask an additional paper in support of already submitted document for more clarity if so desired.
Step 7 : No request for change of any particular on the application form shall be entertained by the Haryana Staff Selection Commission after final submission.
Step 8 : No offline application form or copy of downloaded application form will be accepted by the Haryana Staff Selection Commission.
Important Links
- Official Notification : Click Here
- Apply Link : Click Here
- Official Website : https://hssc.gov.in/
How to apply for Haryana JBT Teacher Recruitment 2024
Apply through this link http://adv52024.hryssc.in/StaticPages/
What is pay scale for JBT Teacher in Haryana?
Rs.9300-34800 with a grade pay of Rs. 4200/-
How many vacancies are released through Haryana JBT Teacher Notification 2024?
Online applications are invited for direct recruitment for the 1456 posts of Primary Teachers in Mewat Cadre (Group‐C Services)