Tenses MCQ Quiz For All Competitive Exams Set-2 : Hello friends, if you are also preparing for HP Police Constable, HP Patwari Recruitment and other exams then let us tell you that today we have brought for you all the practice sets of Tenses from English Grammar. You can improve your preparation by doing these practice sets.
If you are preparing for any government exam then you must know that previous years questions are very important in it, so today we have brought for you all the Previous Year questions which have been asked in the exam by HPPSC, HPSSC, HPRCA etc. You all should give the test of all these questions carefully, it will be beneficial for you all in the exam.
Tenses MCQ Quiz For All Competitive Exams Set-2

Read More : HP Police Mock Test/Daily Quiz
Tenses MCQ Quiz For All Competitive Exams Set-2
Tenses MCQ Quiz For All Competitive Exams Set-2
Q21. Choose the sentence with the future perfect tense.
A) They shall have arrived by then.
B) They shall be arriving by then.
C) They shall arrive by then.
D) They shall have been arriving by then.
Q22. Identify the tense used in the following sentence. “We are going to reach the destination as scheduled.”
A) Present continuous tense
B) Future perfect continuous tense
C) Future continuous tense
D) Present perfect continuous tense
Q23. Which tense is used to express an action going at some point in the past?
A) Past indefinite tense
B) Past perfect continuous tense
C) Past continuous tense
D) Past perfect continuous tense
Q24. Each of the four army soldiers __ for the mission.
A) were ready
B) are ready
C) was ready
D) have been ready
Q25. The thief and the eye-witness __.
A) has escaped
B) has been escaping
C) was escaping
D) have escaped
Q26. Back in my native place, I __ a smartphone.
A) did not have
B) do not have
C) did not had
D) do not had
Q27. Choose the correct sentence.
A) When I woke up, he has already eaten breakfast.
B) When I woke up, he had already eaten breakfast.
C) When I had woken up, he had already ate breakfast.
D) When I had woken up, he has already ate breakfast.
Q28. I __ the medicine as prescribed by the doctor for a week now.
A) takes
B) have been taking
C) would have taken
D) have had been taking
Q29. You and I __ the obligations.
A) am fulfilled
B) has been fulfilling
C) have fulfilled
D) has fulfilled
Q30. Identify the tense used in the sentence. “Her brother will walk her down the aisle.”
A) Future indefinite tense
B) Future perfect tense
C) Present indefinite tense
D) Present perfect tense
Q31. Choose the past perfect continuous tense form of the sentence. “The children played in the park throughout the evening.”
A) The children played in the park throughout the evening.
B) The children have been playing in the park throughout the evening.
C) The children had played in the park throughout the evening.
D) The children had been playing in the park throughout the evening.
Q32. Identify the tense used in the sentence. “Here comes the soon-to-be bride!”
A) Present continuous tense
B) Present indefinite tense
C) Future indefinite tense
D) Present perfect tense
Q33. Identify the tense used in the underlined phrase. “The weatherman forecasted that it’s going to rain.”
A) Present indefinite tense
B) Future indefinite tense
C) Future perfect continuous tense
D) Future continuous tense
Q34. Two-thirds of the food supply __ for the month.
A) has been used
B) were used
C) have been using
D) has been using
Q35. The technique of paraphrasing __.
A) are practised
B) has to be practised
C) have to be practised
D) is practising
Q36. “Shyam and his brothers” __ a famous sweet shop in our neighbourhood.
A) are
B) have been
C) is
D) have
Q37. Which tense is used to express that an action started in the past and is continuing till now?
A) Present perfect tense
B) Past perfect continuous tense
C) Past continuous tense
D) Present perfect continuous tense
Q38. Identify the tense used in the sentence. “While he was in the military, he still regularly wrote to me.”
A) Past indefinite tense
B) Past perfect tense
C) Present indefinite
D) Past perfect continuous tense
Q39. Identify the tense used in the underlined phrase. “He is always found reading the newspaper.”
A) Present indefinite tense
B) Present perfect continuous tense
C) Present continuous tense
D) Present perfect tense
Q40. Fill in the blank with the present perfect tense form of the verb given in the bracket. “James _ to visit her grandmother.” (go)
A) have been going
B) had gone
C) has gone
D) has been going