HPPSC Paper 1 Detailed Syllabus for Class-I to III Posts

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HPPSC Paper 1 Detailed Syllabus for recruitment to all Class-I to III (Now Group A to C) posts/ Services to be filled up in accordance with Rule 6(B)(ii)(a) and 6(E)(i) of the Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (Procedure and Transaction of Business) Rules, 2023 applicable for all vacancies to be advertised w.e.f. 1-11-2024.

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HPPSC Paper 1 Detailed Syllabus for Class-I to III Posts
HPPSC Paper 1 Detailed Syllabus for Class-I to III Posts

HPPSC Paper 1 Detailed Syllabus

General Knowledge of Himachal Pradesh

SubjectDetails syllabus
History1. Ancient, Medieval and Modern Administrative and Political History of Himachal Pradesh.
2. The role of erstwhile Hill States of Himachal Pradesh in the Indian Freedom Struggle Movement.
3. Princely regime in Himachal Pradesh, Praja Mandal Movement, Kunihar Movement, Theog Movement, Dodra Kawar Revolt, Nalagarh Movement.
4. Encounter of Hill States of Himachal Pradesh with Muslim, Sikh, Gurkha Rulers and Britishers.
5. Birth of Himachal Pradesh and its struggle for Vishal Himachal and full Statehood.
GeographyGeographical location and Topography of Himachal Pradesh, Area Population, Physiographic Divisions, Mountain Ranges, Passes, Rivers, Hydropower Projects, Lakes, Hot Springs, Glaciers, Valleys, Soil, Climate, Flora, Fauna, Fisheries and Minerals of Himachal Pradesh, National Parks, Neighboring states/countries, Important places and institutions.
Culture1. Customs and Manners, Birth, Marriage, Kingship, Art, Architecture & Handicraft, Fairs and Festivals, Folk songs, Folk Dance & Drama, Language, Dialects and Literature of Himachal Pradesh.
2. Heritage-Temples, Palaces, Monuments, Forts.
3. Castes & Tribes of Himachal Pradesh, their socio-cultural & economic aspects.
Polity1. Reorganization and Politics of Statehood.
2. Development of political parties, major political parties and their support and performance in assembly and parliamentary elections in Himachal Pradesh.
3. Famous Personalities of Himachal Pradesh.
4. Structure, Organization & functioning of statutory, Regulatory and various quasi-judicial bodies in Himachal Pradesh.
5. Rajya Sabha
6. Lok Sabha
7. Vidhan Sabha

General Knowledge of National & International Affairs

Current events of national and International importance up the date of examination and two years previous to that date.

Knowledge of Hindi Language

  1. भाषा
  2. भाषा के रूप
  3. लिपि वर्ण
  4. व्यंजन
  5. पर्यायवाची शब्द
  6. विलोमार्थी शब्द
  7. उपसर्ग
  8. सज्ञां
  9. सर्वनाम
  10. विशेषण
  11. क्रिया और मुहावरे ।

Knowledge of English Grammar

  • Tenses
  • Preposition
  • Direct and Indirect Speech
  • Conjunctions, Interjections
  • Article and Determiners
  • change of Voice.