HP DAV School Teaching/Non Teaching Staff Recruitment 2024, Eligibility, Salary, Vacancy | All Updates

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HP DAV School Teaching/Non Teaching Staff Recruitment 2024 : DAV Public School Himachal Pradesh has announced vacancies for both Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff for the year 2025-26. The positions include PGT, TGT, PRT, LDC, Receptionist, UDC and Front Office Assistant etc. The notification was released on October 16, 2024, and the application period is from October 16, 2024, to Noveber 05, 2024. Interested candidates can download the application form from the school website and submit it via Speed Post with attested copies of educational certificates. The deadline for application submission is 05/11/2024 (Tuesday).

HP DAV School TeachingNon Teaching Staff Recruitment 2024, Eligibility, Salary, Vacancy  All Updates

HP DAV School Teaching/Non Teaching Staff Recruitment 2024,

Applications in the prescribed proforma are invited from 16/10/2024 (Wednesday) to 05/11/2024 (Tuesday) For various Teaching, Non-Teaching/Ministerial posts mentioned below:

HP DAV School Vacancy Details (Teaching/Non Teaching Staff)

  • PGT: English, Hindi, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Commerce, Economics, Physical Education, History, Political Science, Geography, Psychology, Sociology & Home Science.
  • TGT: English Hindi, Sanskrit, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Physical Education, Computer Science, Librarian (GradeI), Music, Dance, Painting /Art Craft & Punjabi.
  • PRT: English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Mathematics, General Science, Social Science, Physical Education, Computer Science, Librarian (Grade-II), Painting /Art Craft, Music, Dance & Punjabi
  • Other Teaching Posts: Pre-Primary Teacher/Nursery Teacher, Wellness Teacher & Counselor
  • Ministerial Posts: Assistant, UDC, LDC (Accounts), LDC (Administration), Front Office Assistant/ Receptionist, Library Assistant, Computer Lab Assistant, Lab Assistant (for Physics, Chemistry, & Bio Lab) & Nurse.

Read More : HP Special Educator Recruitment 2024

How to Apply for HP DAV School Teaching/Non Teaching Staff Recruitment 2024

The Candidate can collect the Application form from any of the nearest DAV Public School or can download from school
website as mentioned below:

HP DAV School (ZONE-A)

  1. DAV SR.SEC.PUBLIC SCHOOL, LAKKAR BAZAR SHIMLA, HP https://davlkbshimla.org/
  2. DAYANAND PUBLIC SCHOOL THE MALL, SHIMLA, HP https://dpsshimla.org
  4. DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL, SHOGHI, HP http://davshoghi.com/
  5. DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL, GAJERI, THEOG, HP https://davtheog.in/
  6. DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL SARASWATI NAGAR(SAWRA), HP https://davhatkoti.org/
  7. DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL CHOPAL, HP https://davschoolchopal.org/
  8. DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL KOTKHAI, HP http://davpskotkhai.org/
  9. DAV SR. SEC. PUBLIC SCHOOL, BARMANA, DISTT. BILASPUR, HP https://davaccbarmana.org/

HP DAV School (ZONE-B)

  1. DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL ALAMPUR www.davalampur.com
  2. DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL REHAN www.davrehan.in
  3. DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL MANAI www.davmanai.com
  4. DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL NAGROTA SURIAN www.davnagrota.com
  5. DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL GOHJU www.davpsgohju.com
  6. DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL BANKHANDI www.davbankhandi.in
  7. DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL TIARA www.davtiara.in
  8. DAV SCHOOL PATTA JATIAN https://davpattajatianhp.blogspot.com

HP DAV School (ZONE-C)

  1. DAV Centenary Public School Mandi, Distt. Mandi HP https://davmandi.in/
  2. DAV Public School, Sunder Nagar, Distt. Mandi HP https://davsundernagar.in/
  3. DAV Public School, Greyoh, Distt. Mandi HP http://davgreyoh.in/
  4. DAV Public School, Ner Chowk, Distt. Mandi HP http://davnerchowkdadour.com/
  5. DAV Public School Gohar, Distt. Mandi HP https://davgoharmandi.com/
  6. DAV Public School Joginder Nagar, Distt. Mandi HP https://davjnagar.in/
  7. DAV Public School, Bilaspur, Distt. Bilaspur HP http://davbsp.org/
  8. DAV Public School, Ghumarwin, Distt. Bilaspur HP http://davghumarwin.in/
  9. DAV Public School, Jamthal, Distt. Bilaspur HP https://davntpcjamthal.org/
  10. DAV Public School, Manali, Distt. Kullu HP https://davmanali.com/
  11. DAV Public School, Mohal, Distt. Kullu HP https://davmohalkullu.org/
  12. DAV Public School, Katrain, Distt. Kullu HP https://davkatrainkullu.org/

HP DAV School (ZONE-D)

  1. DAV Public School Palampur www.davpalampur.com
  2. DAV Public School, Bharoli (Nadaun) www.davnadaun.in/osm
  3. DAV Public School Hamirpur www.davhamirpur.in
  4. DAV Sr. Sec Public School Dehra, Gopipur www.davschooldehra.org
  5. DAV Public School, Narwana Yol www.ibdavnarwana.org
  6. DAV Public School,Dharamshaala www.davdharamshaala.com
  7. MCM DAV Sr. Sec Public School, Nurpur, Baghni www.mcmdavbaghni.com
  8. DAV Public School, Lajhyani www.davpslajhyani.com
  9. TR. DAV Sr. Sec public School,Kangoo www.trdavkangoo.com
  10. DAV Public School, Kathaun , Ladbharol. www.davladbharol.in

HP DAV School (ZONE-E)

  1. DAV Centenary Public School Reckong Peo http://davreckongpeo.org/
  2. DAV Sr. Secondary Public School New Shimla http://davnewshimla.org/
  3. DAV Centenary Public School Kumarsain http://davkumarsain.com/
  4. DAV SJVN Public School Duttnagar http://davduttnagar.org/
  5. DAV Public School Rampur http://davrampur.org/
  6. DAV Centenary Public School Theog http://davchaidhala.com/

HP DAV School (ZONE-F)

  1. DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL, AMBOTA www.davschoolambota.co.in
  2. DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL UNA www.davuna.org
  3. DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL LATHIANI www.davlathiani.org
  4. DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL, CHAMBA www.davchamba.org
  5. DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL, SURANGANI www.davbsps.com
  6. DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL, CHOUNTRA KHARURA www.davpschountrakharura.org
  7. DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL, BHARMOUR www.davbharmour.in
  8. DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL, SHREE NAINA DEVI JI www.davshreenainadevi.co.in

HP DAV School (ZONE-G)

  1. DAV Public School Nahan www.davnahanhp.com
  2. DAV Public School Paonta Sahib www.davpaontasahib.com
  3. DAV Public School Sarahan www.davsarahan.in
  4. DAV Centenary MAS Public School Rajgarh www.davschoolrajgarh.com
  5. MRA DAV Public School Solan www.mradavsolan.org
  6. DAV Ambuja Niketan Public School Darlaghat www.davambujavidyaniketan.com
  7. DAV Senior Secondary Public School Parwanoo www.davpsparwanoo.com
  8. SDS DAV Centenary Public School Kumarhatti www.davkumarhatti.com
  9. DAV Public School Sector-4, Parwanoo www.davpsparwanoo.com
  10. DAV Public School, Dharampur www.davkumarhatti.com

Where to submit the Application Form

The Candidate can submit the Hard Copy of filled application form through speed post/ in person along with testimonials in the nearest DAV Public School as mentioned above on or before 05.11.2024.

Note: –

  1. Eligibility criteria is as per DAV CMC, CBSE & State Govt. Norms. (Candidates can check the same on the website mentioned above).
  2. Please note that all updates about DAV Recruitment process, CBT, will be available on DAV Recruitment Website – https://davrecruit.davcmc.in/
  3. DAV-CBT will be conducted for all the posts collectively mentioned in this ad. However, different DAV schools of the zone/state may have vacancies for different posts as per requirement.

Eligible candidates will be contacted by the school/zonal office to apply for the D.A.V. Computer-Based Test (DAV CBT2025). Candidates must apply for 1 post only as CBT exams for multiple posts will fall on the same day. Candidates must
use their registered mobile No. (rmN) and own email id and should not change it till the completion of recruitment
Process. Those who qualify in CBT 2025 shall be issued a Provisional Eligibility Card, with which they can apply at any D.A.V.
school across the country, wherever there is a vacancy for that post. Final selection will be made on the basis of Demo & Panel
Interview at School/Zonal level.

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